Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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108 lines
uuepro software package contains two programs:
uuepro.spot - ARexx script for using with Spot 1.3 fidonet package
uuepro - independent program, used in this script. It may be used
for any other mail packages, fidonet- or internet-based.
- copy uuepro to c:
- copy uuepro.spot to Spot/Rexx/
- add uuepro.spot to Spot ARexx menu
("Output" field must contain "NIL:")
- remove "table" keyword from second script line,
or select your own character table file
- OS 2.x
- any CPU
- 30kb free RAM for 15kb sections
- registered Spot 1.3 for ARexx script
- ultrafast, hand coded asm, highly optimized uuencode algorythm:
fastest 68k uuencode, more than 8 times faster than famous UUxT
- 68020+ will be automatically detected and utilized
- full compatibility with 1BM PC uuencoders, popular in fidonet
- full source code included
- freeware & public domain, usage without any restrictions
- optional section header
- optional section and file checksum
- optional line checksum (last character)
- file sending to echoarea or by netmail to author of letter
- selection of values for file sending:
- number of sections
- number of lines per section
- message size limit
- ability to send parts of file (from X to Y section)
- unique MSGID guaranteed in every letter - your files never be killed by
- progress-bar during script works
- abort script at any time (Stop gadget)
- abort program at any time (break, Ctrl+C)
- script displays estimated time to end of posting
- spaces in file name are allowed (will be replaced by "_" automatically)
- ability to rename file before sending
- file header in zero section - name, size, date and time, comment or URL,
number of sections, section, message and total uuencode size
- adding .readme file to zero section if this file exists
- automatic XPK unpacking of .readme if XPK installed
- 3.9
fixed bug: empty source file was not UnLock()ed
(thanx to Igor Goldenberg for bug report)
workaround: uuepro did not work with AsimCDFS 3.8
(this filesystem does not handle ACTION_FH_FROM_LOCK packet)
- 3.8
first Aminet release
script usage
- invoke script from Spot ARexx menu
- select echoarea if needed
- answer to Reply/Post question if needed
- select file
- change lines/sections/bytes values
- change sending sections or file name
- edit zero section
- press Stop if needed :-)
If you don't want to send zero section, remove firstnum='' from the
begin of included script.
c:uuepro usage
FROM - source file
TO - destination file
NAME - file name that will be inserted in uuencode
HEADER - string after "section..." header
If HEADER not specified, "section..." will not be inserted
LINES - lines per section \
SECTIONS - number of sections | Only one may be selected
BYTES - section size limit /
SECTION - number of generated section. Required if you need 2 or more
sections. Every uuepro call generates one section
MSDOS - convert file name to MS-DOS 8+3 format
CHECKSUM - calculate checksum for sections and file
LINESUM - calculate line checksum (one character per line)
FILETIME - insert file creation date and time in first section
TESTVALUES - service mode for script
QUIET - disable console output